Funny Joke: Iris‌‌h daughte‌‌r ha‌‌d no‌‌t bee‌‌n hom‌‌e fo‌‌r ove‌‌r ‌‌5 years‌‌. Upo‌‌n he‌‌r retur‌‌n he‌‌r Fathe‌‌r curse‌‌d he‌‌r heavily‌‌.

Iris‌‌h daughte‌‌r ha‌‌d no‌‌t bee‌‌n hom‌‌e fo‌‌r ove‌‌r ‌‌5 years‌‌. Upo‌‌n he‌‌r retur‌‌n he‌‌r Fathe‌‌r curse‌‌d he‌‌r heavily‌‌.

“Where have you been for so long, my dear? Why didn’t you send us a message, not even a short note? Why no phone call? Don’t you realize how worried your poor mother has been?”

The daughter, in tears, responded, “Dad… I turned into a call girl.”

“What?! Leave this house, you disgraceful woman! A sinner! You bring shame to our devout family.”

“Fine, Dad… as you wish. I just returned to present mom with this extravagant fur coat, the deed to a mansion with ten bedrooms, and a savings account worth 5 million. For my little brother, a shiny gold Rolex. And for you, Dad, there’s the brand-new Mercedes convertible parked outside, along with a country club membership… (pauses for breath)… and an offer for you all to join me for New Year’s Eve on my yacht in the Riviera.”

“What did you say your new job was again?” asks her father.

Through her tears, she says, “A call girl, Daddy!”

“Mercy me! You gave me such a fright—I thought you said you’d become a Protestant! Come here and give your old man a hug!”

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